Tom Cruise Repellant Sales Soar At AirVenture 2024
OSHKOSH- This year, a new product available at the EAA promises to keep actor Tom Cruise at bay. Tom-B-Gone, retailing
OSHKOSH- This year, a new product available at the EAA promises to keep actor Tom Cruise at bay. Tom-B-Gone, retailing
While these stories may seem far-fetched, it’s important for pilots to take safety seriously, even when flying in allegedly cursed quadrilaterals.
OSHKOSH, WI – Celebrating its 70th year, the EAA is holding its annual fly-in convention, “AirVenture”! With over 5,000 volunteers
OSHKOSH, WI- The EAA is in full swing in Oshkosh this week where thousands of aircraft have taken to the