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CDC Warns New Drinking Game That Uses Laxative Spiked Drinks Has Explosive Consequences

By Eduardo Galaviz and Ryan Pontillo

MILWAUKEE, WI- What used to be a game created to get you intoxicated quicker is turning into a growing epidemic of poor decisions and clogged toilets. College administrations in the Wisconsin area are trying to keep students from playing a newer version of the iconic game of beer pong, which seemed to have stemmed from areas of social media such as Facebook and TikTok.

Aptly named “The Laxative Beer Pong Challenge,” high school and college students alike have been increasingly playing this bowl-destroying variant of the beloved game with some posting videos online as part of “flex.” According to a UW-Milwaukee college student, Ian Partridge, stating

“We were bored, so, like, we needed to spice things up.”

To explain, the rules for regular beer pong apply except each player or team of players has a cup filled with laxatives but is unaware of which one has the laxatives. If the opposing players make their opponent drink the cup filled with laxatives, that team loses. In the first month of 2022, poison control centers have received 72 such calls for laxative-related cases, the same number they received in all of 2021, the association said. With a third of those laxative-related calls being from Halloween weekend when #TakingASpookyDookie trended. Videos on Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, and TikTok of young people, who lost the game defecating in all areas of their host’s bathroom.

The losers in these games have been known to vomit profusely, lie on the floor with abdominal cramping, and finally, to use a new slang term these young students say in relation to this, “brown their trousers.” Now one may ask, what’s to be gained from these extreme conditions. In an interview with another student from UW-Madison, Mitch Turley, the winners typically receive a $5 Taco Bell gift card. When asked why this is, Mitch simply replied “because it’s funny.” We are asking our readers to use caution when going to parties, as any drink you take now could have explosive consequences.

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