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Milwaukee Just Held Its 51st Annual Juneteenth Parade, Naturally Making Many Conservatives Very Upset

MILWAUKEE, WI- Believe it or not Milwaukee is home to one of the longest running Juneteenth Day celebrations in the United States! For 51 years now the people of Milwaukee have been gathering to celebrate the emancipation of enslaved people in the US. So obviously this made many conservatives very upset. 

Now these reporters are not sure if it was the momentum of the Black Lives Matter movement that propelled Juneteenth into the national spotlight but last year, but Juneteenth just became the latest federal holiday in the US and the first to be approved since Martin Luther King Jr. Day in 1983.

The referendum surprisingly enjoyed support from Wisconsin’s favorite creepy uncle, Ron Johnson but other republicans like Rep. Matt Rosendale, a Montana Republican were less thrilled. Calling the Juneteenth campaign an “effort by the Left to create a day out of whole cloth to celebrate identity politics as part of its larger efforts to make Critical Race Theory the reigning ideology of our country.”

For the party that is so steadfast on — not erasing our great history. They sure seem very adamant about only erasing the history they don’t care for. Is Juneteenth actual means for celebration? Should women have basic human rights? Should gay marriage be outlawed? Should Creationism be taught in schools? Short answer, yes because it leaves less time to teach Global warming.

To raise awareness of the holidays significance many local news outlets made posts on both Facebook and Instagram to show their support. Now, we love pandering just as much as the next news station but we are sure glad we didn’t post anything. That is, after we saw the absolute dumpster fire that was the FOX6 News comments section. It wasn’t just FOX6, it was WISN12, CBS58, every single news outlet in the city had comment sections filled with hate and blatant ignorance. We’d tell you to do better but it wouldn’t make much of a difference would it?

We know that not until every man, woman and child in this nation is released from their bonds are we truly a free nation. So in short. Yes, Juneteenth is means for celebration, not just for our black communities but for everyone. That is, if you value freedom. 


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